These were taken at CiCi's Pizza a couple of weeks ago. If you've ever been to a CiCi's Pizza, you don't need any explanation. If you haven't - these are the best cinnamon rolls around. YUM!

link of the day:
Those look great!
Fun link - my eyes will never be the same! ;-)
They look fantastic
Oh my! These look good! Cici's is one of our favorites too!
I popped over from the Wordless Wednesday HQ because your blog name is one of my all time favorite songs! I love your blog! :-) And btw, I used to live in Colorado...I miss it soooooo much. All those sunny days and snow in the winter.
Well, I need to go. Nice meeting you! Stop by my blog if you get a chance. :-)
Oh, these look heavenly!! YUM!!!!!!
Hmm I can almost smell them!!
ooh--delicious!! Hope you enjoyed :)
Yup, been to Cici's...they look yummy and as always, I'm hungry :)
Hey, do you guys have on matching shirts? I'm pretty sure not, but it looks like it. Just too cute!
WARNING: Link may be very hazardous to your brain, hehe. Not advised to view this link if you suffer from migraines...WOW!
i know... it does look like we're wearing matching shirts, doesn't it? they are the same color but not the same shirt. it was just coincidence.
Oh yum!! Those look so good! I might have to go and make a pan or two now... :D
Love the picture of the two of you enjoying the product!
PS I'm with Ginger, I think the tops match.
Yum! I don't eat cinnamon rolls very often, I guess because some don't taste as good as they look. Those look scrumtious!!!
I love your matching colored shirts. My favorite color.
I'm glad your life has not been filled with a lot of loss or grief. It is amazing though, how different people handle situations so differently. What seems like a little thing to you could become a mountain to someone else. Some adapt to change better, others are overwhelmed by it. Seems to me you are a very stable individual. Are you??? ;)
you're killing me.!!! I haven't had a ci ci's cinnamon roll since we left OK. I'm sure they are out here, but haven't seen one yet.
Yep, your shirts do look alike.
Yum! I think I gained 5 pounds just looking at the picture,
I'm not aware of any Cici's in my area-definitely going to research that!
Oh yeah, 4 sons...I KNOW CiCi's Pizza...and those cinnamon rolls. Yummo! But now I have a craving.
YUM!! I love Cici's!!
I agree, they are soooo yummy!!
Hey, do I see a picture of YOU??
Which one are you??
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