I was at home. I had just got the kids out the door for school. I then turned on the tv just in time to see the second plane hit the towers. I was glued to the set for the duration. After a while, I wanted to turn the tv off, but couldn't. I didn't know what was going to happen next and I didn't want to miss anything. I remember feeling numb with disbelief and then anger and then overwhelmingly, grief.
I called the school to see how they were handling things with the students. I called Don, who ended up leaving work due to a bomb threat to their building. I thought, "what is happening? The world has gone crazy!" That afternoon was supposed to be the kick-off of a brand new after-school program that I was a part of. We cancelled it and had to make announcements at all the local schools to let students know. The church had a prayer vigil that evening. That day, and the ones to follow, were spent in a daze of sorrow.
My family took a road trip to California at the end of October after that September. As I write this now, it seems like a lot of time had passed between these two events. But I remember at the time, I was still greatly affected by all that had happened, as was the rest of the country.
I also remember all the American flags that were flown during that time. It was so heartwarming to see how many flags were flying while driving through four different states. They were everywhere. I truly felt united with the rest of the country. The flags were just a symbol of being united. It was the grief and the loss, and then strength, heroism, and patriotism, that united us.
Today is the sixth anniversary of 9-11 and we are asked to fly or display our country's flag as a way of showing our pride in our country, to remember those who we lost that day, to remember those who were heroes six years ago, and those who are our heroes now, fighting for our country and our freedom, and to show that we truly are united.
link of the day:
We had just moved from MN to CO. We were in our temporary apartment while we looked for a house. I woke my oldest two up and we watched the footage together (they were almost 13 and 10). Shortly after, my two babies, 2 and almost 1, woke and I remember going through the motions of the day, while holding tight to any and all of my kids.
The devastation was surreal, like watching a movie, yet knowing that so many were living the nightmare as we watched over it all. I was disturbed by the scenes flashing across the screen and proud at the same time, as so many people were rallying, supporting, calling on God, acting on the bravery that dwells within us all, but so rarely is displayed.
It was a sad day, as is any day that innocent lives are taken. The magnitude is still hard to grasp in our country, yet others live with that daily and it is hard to imagine.
I'm grateful to live where we do, with the freedoms that we have. I am thankful for the many who are out there, in our military branches and their families, for their time, effort, sacrifice and bravery to help keep our freedoms.
I agree what a terrible tradgedy. It was so sad.
I had taken Derek to school. Then went to get a haircut. I remember first hearing it on the radio on the way home. Then I was glued to the tv...shocked, in awe, and terrbily saddened.
I'm remembering and saying a prayer for those affected by 9-11.
I can't believe it has been six years! I was working in Salt Lake City and heard it on the news as I was leaving. I didn't think too muhc of it until I arrived at work and everyone was huddled around the TV. It was then the true magnitude started sinking in!
I was living with the family in a fire hall, as the department that hired Bill needed a Spanish speaking deputy asap, and we had no quarters until November when our house would become available.
So being married to a cop living in a fire station was PROFOUND.
I pray we never forget.
I hope no one ever forgets where they were. When we start to forget, then history can repeat itself. My Grandpa had died a few days before. So, we were already grieving for him. To add this on top of it was so heartwrenching. I really focused on my Grandpa, his funeral and then, a few days later, I let it all sink in.
Thanks for telling your story of where you were.
I was online at a group's forum [message board] when I first heard about it...rushed in to turn on the TV and it was just so utterly unbelievable---and the government let it happen with all the technology around...it still boggles my mind, and that part made me very bitter.
On another note: I see you're a Denver Bronco Fan!! Me too....way back to the Craig Morton days!! Now, that's a long time!!
It is certainly a day I don't think any of us can forget. I know, living here on the east coast - it really was scary because we were so close to it all. There is a nuclear power plant nearby and close to the college where I was taking my grad classes - Remember when they shut down all the airlines? There were planes flying near the college because of the power plant - it scared me when I saw the planes.
Yes, may we never forget
We all remember where we were that day - just like my parents remember where they were when JFK was killed. I remember thinking I just want to hold my kids and never let them out of the house. As a country I think we are quick to forget how and why this happened. We have allowed God to be replaced by false gods in the name of tolerance. The families of the victims will never forget and we shouldnt either. Forgive? Yes. Forget? Never.
Lee & I were at Karen's, waiting for Jenna to be born. Marius called Karen, who then woke us up. Yes, we were glued to the TV too. Marius came home early so we could all be together.
Today there are flags up and down the main streets of L.W.
I just read a great book about 3 people in their 30's, all living in N.Y. Near the very end of the book 9/11 happens. It's such a surprise to the reader. The event naturally shapes the future of all 3 people. How timely.
I remember my husband woke me up (he let me sleep in on my birthday) telling me about the first plane crashing into the twin towers. I thought it was some kinda twisted birthday joke to get me out of bed. The crazy thing is and I kid you not, is that I dreamed that I was in an airport and there were about 5 men huddled in a circle and one of them looked up at me which FREAKED ME OUT!!!! Isn't that strange???
God Bless,
You read my post today Diana so you know where I was.
We've been flying the flag since 9/11. I remember being glued to CNN for days and then looking out my front door and I could see all the the smoke coming from NYC.
I remember how hard it was to find an American flag in the days following 9/11. All the stores around here had sold out of them. I really miss that unity.
It is hard to believe its been six years. It was my son's seventh birthday. I was running around the house making my daily preparations when my best friend called and said I had to turn on the TV. Such a sobering moment.
I was recovering from gallbladder surgery and my mom was in town helping me out. We turned on the Today Show and I don't think we turned the TV off for several days.
I can't believe it's been six years. So sad.
yes, I remember where I was at the time....but more I remember when I finally got home that afternoon, my husband meeting me at the door, we stood there, just barely inside the door hugging for an eternity. There weren't words to speak.
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