I've seen this meme going around and I said to myself, "self, I think I will do this fun meme when I don't have anything to write about." Well, today is the day. I racked my brain and it must be empty because I couldn't come up with a single thing. Actually, there is one thing I wanted to say.
Leigh Ann, this is for you. You and any other Phillies fans out there....
Woo-hoo! Rockies won the first game! (and now I'm doing the happy dance)
okay, on to the meme...
accent: I don't think I have one. Is there an accent associated with Colorado, or California?
I don't drink: Eggnog. yuck and double yuck! I don't drink beer or wine either.
favorite drinks: Coffee drinks; such as, cappuccinos, mochas, and lattes. Smoothies. Diet Coke.
chore I hate: Cleaning bathrooms
pets: dog- Brody and cat- Snickers
essential electronics: Laptop, camera(s), and cell phone.
perfume: I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not to admit that I don't wear perfume. I do wear scented mist sprays from B*th & B*dy W*rks. My current favorite is a something like Mango on Ice. (Am I the only one who doesn't wear a perfume?)
gold or silver: I wear both. I like jewelry that has both gold and silver together.
insomnia: Yes, sometimes. I've always been a light sleeper. If something wakes me up, I may have a hard time going back to sleep.
job title: Wife, mother, and youth worker... just to name few.
most admired trait: This one stumps me. Are we really supposed to name a trait that we admire in ourselves? I guess it would be compassion/empathy.
kids: Danielle- 19 and Jake- 17. And a lot of teens who have passed through my youth groups.
phobia: Heights
religion: I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. It's not about religion, it's about a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior.
siblings: I have a sister, Karen, who is two years younger than me and a brother, Steve, who is a year and a half younger than her. I also have a half-brother, Mike, who is in his twenties.
time I wake up: Usually around 7:00, except for Saturdays. I get to sleep in on most Saturdays. I love Saturdays. I love to sleep. =]
unusual talent or skill: hmmm... I guess I have talent and skill, but nothing unusual.
vegetable I hate: Beets and Lima beans. yuck!
worst habit: Procrastinating would have to be at the top of the list.
x-rays: I just had my teeth x-rayed. I've also had my ankle, both feet, and chest x-rayed.
my favorite meal: I have several, but I'll just name one: a good steak, baked potato, green salad, and garlic bread, with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Yum!
link of the day:http://pinkforoctober.org/