Monday, October 8, 2007

more of Him

Welcome once again to More of Him. You can encourage others or your may be encouraged by sharing part of your spiritual journey. If you post today under one of the following themes, please leave a link to your post on the Mr. Linky below.

Share a specific piece of scripture that has spoken to your this last week. Share what you feel God is telling you through that passage and how you wish to apply it to your life.


Share how God is working in your life right now. Is He telling you something or helping you through something? Do you hear His small, quiet voice? Or is He hitting you over the head with a two by four? Are you on a spiritual high? Or low? Share as you are led.


Scripture Speaks to me

If your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you'll find both yourself and me. Matthew 10:39 the Message

Have you ever had a piece of scripture jump out at you yet you're not sure what it's saying to you or how you're to interpret it. This is what this passage did for me this past week.

I read it early last week and have reflected on it the rest of the week. I know I struggle with looking beyond myself at times. I'm struggling with that right now in a certain area of my life. I know I can rationalize my thinking. I say I'm doing it for Don, or my family, but in the end, it's more about me.

So, after reading this passage, I felt challenged to forget about me and focus more on God. I knew this wouldn't be easy. A few times during the week, I caught myself thinking about something and realized I was really only thinking about such a thing from a "me" perspective. It was like a little bell went off in my head and I remembered the above words from the Bible, and I then couldn't help but think of whatever it was from a "God" perspective. And in most cases, there was quite a difference.

I'm still thinking and working through the part of "finding myself and Him." Of course, I want a closer relationship with God. Does finding myself mean who I am supposed to be in Him? I believe that life is a process - a journey. So I take it to mean not only this, but also of who I am supposed to be - the finished person that God already knows me to be. Does that make any sense? That's why I'm still working through that part of the passage. So I can articulate, "finding myself."

"More of Him" Monday Participants
1. Amber @ Trust in the Lord
2. Mary@notbefore7
3. Karen\'s Korner
4. Ginger
5. Danielle!
6. barb
7. Karen
8. Lynne
9. Ruth
10. Ally
11. Silent Wings

Learn more about "More of Him" Monday here.

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Amber said...

What beautiful insight you were blessed with! I love it when scriptures pop out at you! Thanks for sharing:)

God Bless,

Amber said...

PS~ Sorry about the first 2 links.

0:) Amber

Short Stop said...

Wow...I had never read that verse in the Message! I love what you wrote here..."I say I'm doing it for Don, or my family, but in the end, it's more about me." I do/think that quite often, and it always leads to disappoinment as the core of it is my selfishness. It looks/sounds so good on the outside, but is just poison within.

Thank you for sharing this verse today. I want to "forget about myself" and look to God. I'll be praying about that today!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

It's not about me! I have to repeat that over and over during the day. I love that passage. Wow - boy does it make that clear. Thanks for hosting!

Pen of Jen said...

I am in awe of how a scripture will jump out at us and then we have to work it out! This is a wonderful idea!

Barb said...

Rick Warren stresses "it's not about me." I remind myself of this frequently, but probably not often enough.

I had a seminary professor who commented. "The more you know God, the more you will know yourself. And the more you know yourself, the more you will know God."

A Captured Reflection said...

I have taken part too, thanks for doing this - it is Tuesday here, but I know for a lot of you it is still Monday :-)

Lynne said...

Powerful scripture. Many times I have done things for others so I would look like a nice person. How selfish is that? Was I serving God or serving myself? Hmm.

This is an area I really need to work on, but then that is part of the journey. And I have a loooong way to go! Thanks for sharing.

Momma Roar said...

What a great post! I love that passage - and I know what you mean about a verse jumping out at you and you're not sure why - I love when God does that!! It usually becomes a verse I cling to for a loooong time!

Ruth said...

That's a great insight you received!! Thank you for sharing and also for starting this particular "hosting"!!

Lori said...

Great post.
So true. Great reminder to me to think more of Him instead of myself.

Ally said...

I just came over here from my cousin Karen´s blog..Karen´s ramblings... and have signed up for the scripture speaks... Ilike this iniciative and it´s such a wonderful way to share what God is doing! Please drop by anytime for a visit!