visiting college campuses.
Thankfully, we only needed to hit two local colleges. Jake's a pretty bright kid and wants to go to a good engineering school. Well, as luck [depending on your perspective] would have it, two of the best schools in Colorado, and even the country, are within an hour of where we live.
Jake liked both of them but for different reasons, and now he has to decide if he wants to look at other schools. He's looked at a few out of state schools on-line, but he's not sure if he wants to go out of state. I think it will be between these two schools, but he's really undecided at the moment. It's a good thing he has a few months to figure it out, because it's a hard decision.
I always enjoy visiting college campuses. I don't quite know what it is, but there's just something about the atmosphere of an educational institution that makes me want to be a part of it all. Maybe it's because I never really took advantage of the opportunity I had to pursue higher education. Once I graduated from High School, I only attended one year at a community college before I decided I didn't need college. What a mistake - one I regret to this day.
If I could go back and change one thing in my life, that would be it. I think I would have done well in college and I think it would have been fun to be a student. But it is what it is and I have accepted that. I never really had a desire to try to be a student once I had kids, and family became my priority. This is why I am so happy that my kids have made the decision to further their education by attending college. They won't have the same regrets I have.
Here's a picture I took on the campus of the school we visited yesterday. It was a beautiful Fall day and the campus was absolutely gorgeous. It's old, and big, and has beautiful old buildings, and sits up next to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. I tried to get Jake to pose but he was having nothing of that. As we were taking the walking tour, he was probably thinking, "I'll be so glad when I'm away from my 'constantly taking pictures' mom and on a campus where I can explore being my own person." To which I respond, "you can be your own person, but that person will be studying their butt off on one of these campuses." bwahahahahaha!

link of the day:
Good luck to your son picking out which college to go to. How nice that both are within an hour of your home.
I hear ya and know what you are talking about. I at times wish I furthered my education more too.
If I could go back and change one thing in my life, that would be it. I think I would have done well in college and I think it would have been fun to be a student. But it is what it is and I have accepted that. I never really had a desire to try to be a student once I had kids, and family became my priority. This is why I am so happy that my kids have made the decision to further their education by attending college. They won't have the same regrets I have.
Wow, this is me totally! I had big plans for school, but got married instead. I'm very happy today, but sooo thankful my kids have all chosen to go on to school.
I am so excited for your son!!
And it is never too late. If you wish to go, it seems that you are the one to change this. I am sure with your writing skills and photography skills that you could have a major in journalism...then become a free lance writer all over the world..
It can be yours, or the road you are on....think of Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken.
Each path we are on, causes another to think, Oh I could have done that. So just my Friday thoughts!!!e-mail me and ask me what I did at 39! penofjen(at) yahoo(dot)com
I'm sooo glad I found out that there were other blogs this week. It was so much fun seeing the kids at their various ages in costume. I love Dani's hair!! ha ha And Jake as a girl - love it!
I, too, wish you had gone on to college. Remember though, it's never too late if it's something you really want.
I loved visiting college campuses - especially in the fall - just to get a feel for that area in my favorite season.
The college I went to was actually, in my opinion, the prettiest one and that helped me to fall in love with it that much more. Granted, I haven't been back since I graduated 10 years ago! LOL
And, I totally agree with Jennifer - its never too late.
That is a pretty campus.
I went to local colleges, but never lived on campus, which I feel is a major part of the experience.
It is never too late. I used to take classes at night like painting, writing, and Spanish. Even if you're not pursuing a degree, it's still a great experience.
I too wish I had done more with college... I have my associates degree in Natural Science. What in the world was I thinking? It doesn't help me in any way, shape or form. Sigh. Someday I'm going to take classes. Hubby is very supportive of this. My biggest problem is deciding what classes I want to take!
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