Saturday, November 1, 2008


Why in the heck do I do these things to myself. The only answer I have is that I like challenges. And this one will definitely be a challenge.

I have joined NABLOPOMO, which stands for National Blog Posting Month and the challenge is to post each and every day during the month of November. That's 30 straight days of blogging. Oh, I'm already having second thoughts. But I'll give it a try.

Part of my thought process on this is that I have struggled a bit lately in coming up with things to write about on a regular basis. If I know I have to write something, I'm forced to dig a little deeper and come up with something.

But don't expect every post to be some deep thinking. I have a feeling I will be using more memes and photos. I thought I would write under the theme of 31 days of thankfulness. After all, it is the month of Thanksgiving. But I didn't want to be limited to just that. I'm sure I will be posting about the many blessings that are present in my life.

Wish me luck.


MightyMom said...

well now, that means I'm gonna have more to read! yippee!

have you heard of NaPraGoMo??

details here

methinks this be up your alley...or tree, whichever ;-)

Susan said...

You go girl!!!!

Jamey said...

Posting about the things you are thankful for is a great idea! Good luck getting it done every day!

Just Mom said...

"But don't expect every post to be some deep thinking."

LOL. I think I hardly ever do that. :-D

A month of thankfulness sounds good to me.

Unknown said...

Luck. I'm not nearly ambitious enough to do it. I'm barely keeping up with my three posts a week as it is. :-)

I'll eagerly but tuning back in!

Melissa said...

I should have done this instead of the NaNoWriMo thing.
I think you'll do great this month with the posts... especially since you've given yourself a theme to follow! I'm sure you'll be able to think of 31 things to be thankful for :)