What are your plans for the weekend?
We haven't planned anything specific for the weekend because.... Jake is coming home. Yay! I have a feeling it's going to look and feel a lot like the weekends we had this last summer. But I am okay with that.
Jake's band mates are planning to come over and jam in our basement on Saturday. Jake and Hollee will probably watch a movie down in the basement (maybe we'll join them!). We'll go to church on Sunday morning and out to lunch afterwards. And before we know it, the weekend will be over and he'll be heading back to school.
Jake told me last night that he was excited to come home. Kidding, I said, "Why? To see your mom and dad?" He said that what he was really looking forward to was a home cooked meal. So you can bet we'll be providing that for him. I may even offer to do his laundry =)
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I'm planning on having one.
Aloha Friday headquarters can be found at An Island Life, hosted by Kailani.
Boys have a Contenders of the Faith gathering...and Fourth is going to keep records.
I am going to paint and work on odds and end projects.
Sunday church and family dinner...oldest home so we will have fun.. also probably a game of Risk
Not much at the moment. Hopefully a calm and peaceful weekend. :D
our plans are very up in the air right now as hubby threw his back out this morning. but it might involve a couple of family birthday parties if he's up to it.
Hey ya nice blog ;D
check out mine at www.trierer.blogg.se :) I write in English, but actually I live in sweden. :)
have a nice day
Heading to my niece's first birthday party. Should be a fun, but a long trip ahead.
Have a great weekend.
my son has a soccer game, on saturday, then I work graves, then on sunday I go to church and then back to work
I hope you have a wonderful weekend with him at home! I came home pretty much every weekend during college (because T went to a different college) so I never felt like I missed home. LOL!!
We are heading out with 2 couples tonight to a restaurant we haven't been to before. We go out about 2-3 times a year always trying somewhere new!
And tomorrow I'm having lunch with Mary and Andrea (mom 24) - YAY!!!
A picnic tomorrow evening with Trav's family/cousins.
Church Sunday morning and having my parents for supper in the evening b/c my Mom's bday is on Mon - wow, I better get started...I didn't realize how busy my weekend would be til now!
Have a great one Diana!!!!
Trying to talk my husband into taking us shopping lol Other than that.. probably cleaning the house and being lazy lol Then Church on Sunday.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
Working, working, and working. *sigh*
Pulling weeds in the front yard, and planting some flowers, and baking some apple muffins.
I have a birthday this weekend!
I'm hosting a Sensaria party while having a blind wine tasting soiree :)
I was closing the pool. . .BUT. .They say it will rain all day Saturday so I will clean and scrape wall paper and then. . .REST. . .Have fun with the kids:)
Hi...I've popped in here from the mysterious black box! Nice blog. We are enjoying our first empty nest weekend in 28 years. Ahh.
I low key weekend for us.... going to church on Sunday, and maybe Disneyland in the evening.
First stop in but i enjoyed the post so much I will be back!
Your son nows the way to Mom's heart....Feed me! lol
You sound like a happy mom!
I'm just home for the weekend. It's been raining these past few days so I'm not in the mood to go out.
We are still trying to get our house back in order since we emptied my MIL house to sell.
Our weekend plans:
I had no daycare kids today -- first time in over a month.
I went and helped in Megan's kindergarten classroom and loved it!!!
Derek had friends over for a sleepover. Megan had a couple friends come over and play.
We had Derek's football game Sat AM
Stop at Walmart and stock up.
The rest of the day will be spent cleaning the house and van and catching up around here.
All of us have terrible head colds around here...so we will be resting most of the weekend.
Sunday CCD starts. I teach Megan's class. Then go to church.
Rest, rest, and rest the rest of the day.
Oh and get ready for Derek's birthday parties next weekend.
have a great time!
I'm gonna make yoyos tonight after a yummy swiss steak supper my hubby's currently cooking. then church in the morning..then back to work.
I always laughed at college students who came home and did laundry (but he's lucky to have a mom who offers to do it. :-) For me, I absolutely cannot travel with dirty clothes. I'm kinda neurotic that way!
Hope you had a great weekend...I came here via another blog thru the "Black Box" Very neat!!
I hope you had a good weekend with Jake being home! What a fun thing to look forward to.
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