Guess what I did yesterday? I interviewed for a job. Man, it's been a long time since I interviewed for a job. But it went well and after thinking about it for most the day, I think I'm going to take it.
I would be a mentor/tutor for a certain program (AVID) at a local school. I still have to decide how many hours I want to work each week and if I want to work with middle school or high school students.
I knew I wanted to get a part time job once Jake went off to school. It would give me something to fill my time and help out financially to put two kids through college. When thinking about having a job, my first and second choice were to work either in a book store or for an airline (you know, for the free or discounted tickets). But working for a school and with kids was my third choice, so I am happy. I'll be honest though... it's going to be a big adjustment for this long time stay at home mom.
So, my Aloha Friday question is:
If you were a stay at home mom (or dad) who became an empty nester who wanted to get a job (still with me?), what kind of job would you want to have?
Aloha Friday is hosted weekly by Kailani of An Island Life.
You are truly brave. It is so hard for me to imagine going to work after being a stay at home mom! I don't even know if I want to think about it hahah. I think if I did anything it would be to open a diner.
How wonderful that you can do what you want to do... working at a school should be challenging.. perhaps fun :) I commend you!!!
Hi !
Right now I am managing a travel agency but planning to retire next month. I feel like retiring at this age 52 and just stay home and become a full time wife and mother.but If i were on your shoes, and feel like working again, i'llgo for anything i feel love doing. you know, women, has to stop and go, then go and stop, that is our nature.
Happy week end
Congratulations on your new job.!
Congratulations! That sounds like a fun job and right up your alley!! Lucky kids!!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
I have wrestled with this question a lot lately. My older child went off to kindergarten, and -if we don't have any more kids- my younger kid will go to kindergarten in three years. Ideally, by that time, I want to have a job where I can work from home. It's important to me to be able to be home for them on weekends, holidays, summer break, etc. I'm in the process of applying to online colleges for a bachelor's in PR, which I think could open up doors for me as a WAHM. If that doesn't pan out, I would like to get a job in their school system, so I can have the same days off that they do.
A lot of people assume I would go back into teaching - but I grew tired of the "logistics" of school districts and demands from the state. I'd probably be too out of shape to teach PE anymore anyway!
I think a bookstore would be my first choice - although I'd probably get fired for reading on the job!
Long live pepsi! ;-)
Oh yes, and congratulations! :D
hmmm ... your question is a tough one. I would probably really focus on freelance writing. I'm still too burned out from 16 years in writing/editing to do anything like that now.
of course ... working in a bookstore with Leigh Ann would be fun, too. And yes, we'd both get fired for reading on the job.
A professional blogger or a chef (but I have to learn how to cook first!) or maybe just manage a restaurant.
Good luck on the new job!
I think a bit this a lot because once the kids are in school I do plan to do something (besides join a gym? and be a PTA supreme being?) I think I'd like to work in retail again, I know that sounds crazy but I'm good at it. I loved working at our town's independent bookstore before it shut down. Or perhaps a little bakery or coffee shop?
My husband makes good money so if things continue well, I'd be working for christmas / education money and just to keep busy more than anything and I don't want to go corporate if I can help it - no desk jobs please.
I would either returning to teaching and do substitute teaching or continue working for myself only go from part time to full time. I enjoy working with people and knowing that I am providing them with an honest opportunity to improve their lives.
I wish you the best!
You would definitely be using your "gift" by being a tutor. And, the school and student would be blessed.
Your question if I were .... choice would probably be a bookstore, a florist, or a small retail store like those we shopped in after eating outdoors at Shenadoha.
Love your quote of the day. How true!
I would spend my days at the spa!! Okay, but if I had to go back to work ( sinc that is the question), I would go back to teaching pre-school! Love that age!
Hmm, if I were in that situation, and could work where I wanted to, it would be either in a library or a bookstore. Being surrounded by books all day long would be my idea of a great job. :)
I have two years to think about this, my youngest will be going to school then. But I still think about it & get nervous! lol
Right now, I'm thinking I want to somehow get involved in the school. But not sure what, exactly.
Best wishes to you on your adventure :) I wonder about this all of the time. I worked while my oldest was little. Now that we have two I often think about what I am going to do. Should I stay home until my youngest (16 months) is in kindergarten. Then if I do, will I want to teach again?
I hope you find what makes you happy.
Have a great weekend.
I will be praying for you get the job God wants you at. . .Have Fun at what ever you do:)
I would and do work in a homeless shelter, best job in the world....Although now I have to do it for no pay its still the best.
babysit grandkids! :-)
ok, so you don't have those yet....pre-school! or if it wasn't a financial decision rather a time filler I would volunteer at a local children's hospital. They're always looking for volunteers who can go and sit with the kids so mom and dad can get a break now and again...they also get to hold the babies!! That's my answer for YOU, my answer for ME is that I would put into action a plan I've beenworking on for awhile now.
I have a clown alter ego. and a wooden flute. and I sew/crochet.
and I'm in a ministry who makes prayer blankies for hospitalized folks. So, were I an empty nester I would spend my time collecting/making prayer blankets, then I would dress as Dottie, my clown, and go room to room in the hospital once a week-ish play a song for the patient and give them a prayer blanket (the prayer blankets come with a card that explains what they are and who they're from...Dottie is mute)
that's my dream, and one of these days I too will be an empty nester with the time available to DO it! :-) I look forward to that day.
I'll share my little story. I did accounting work the majority of my working years for CPA firms. One year, after tax season, I'd had my fill and quit for awhile and was just going to stay home. One day my granddaughter and I went to Walmart and they had a sign on the door for part time help. I had always wondered if I could work in the public arena like that and still stay "nice, friendly and kind". Not like so many you see that cannot even greet you or smile. Anyway I applied. The manager in interviewing me said, "I only have 2 questions to ask you....why in the world with your work history did you never go to college and get your degree in the accounting field?" and "Why in the world with your work history would you want to work in a place like Walmart where we barely pay you and the work is tough?" I told him the truth of why and got the job. I worked there for several years until my youngest son called one day and said, "Mom, have you had enough of working at Walmart and not making any money and want to come back into the accounting field?" I went to work at the firm he was working at and that is where I retired from.
Sorry for writing a "book" but you asked....
I have ALWAYS wanted to work in a book store (Christian) and even at 70 years of age if given the opportunity to do so I would!!!!
Doing just what I'm doing--writing/blogging. However before I had kids, I got into event management/planning and that was loads of fun!
This is one that I thought alot about when my youngest was a senior in HS, and when it came right down to it I wanted to do something of value-something that made a difference in the world. I guess that's why I ended up following God into Women's Ministry - but it's not a paid position which was kind of hard because we could have used the extra income to help with college. But we are sure it was what God wanted and who knows maybe one day it will be paid (monetarily that is).
Diana come visit - I am something for you.
Interestingly, I am an empty nester but I am now a full time grandmother who tends my grandbabies three or more times a week while our DIL volunteers at school and pre-school. If I didn't live closr enough to my grandchildren to help out daily, I would volunteer for the Red Cross or the Airline Ambassadors program.
Awesome question!
I'm not an empty-nester but am finally able to go back to work without it affecting my kids. I feel like I'm trying to decide what to be when I grow up... It's not what I went to college and learned!
I think I'd want to have my own business maybe ~ a party planning business!
I am laughing because SO many of these gals would work at a bookstore. Jason did that many years ago before working for Z, and he loved it. But, I don't think I'd enjoy it. I'm just not a bookworm like so many of you! :)
I would nanny. That's what I did in college and if my kids were gone, I'd want to be around babies again. IF I had the energy...LOL!
WOW! Best of luck in this new phase. I ca'nt wait to see what is brought your way!
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