Earlier this week, I posted on some of my favorite things about this time of year. One of them was the new seasons for my favorite TV shows are starting.
my question is:
What show(s) are you excited for the start of the new season?
For me, it's Survivor. I've watched every season of this show and I always look forward to a new one starting. This season is even more exciting because the group is in Africa and it's being shot in HD (high definition). How incredible would it be to be playing the game in such a beautiful place and amidst all the wildlife.
I'm also looking forward to the start of LOST and 24, both not premiering for another couple of months.
Visit Kailani @ An Island Life for all the Aloha Friday participants.
We watch very little TV "programs", mostly news, some HGTV, and religious channels so once again, as with movies, I am out of the loop.
I like Bones, the Law & Order's and CSI's. I also like Brothers and Sisters and Grey's Anatomy.
LOL - I had the same question this week! My reply is Grey's Anatomy (amazing 2 hours last night) and Desperate Housewives.
Have a great weekend!
There have been several that have already started, like Biggest Loser, America's Next Top Model, & Dancing with the Stars.
And I'm thrilled that Survivor started lastnight. I've been excited to see it since I've heard it was going to be in Africa this year. I would love to visit Africa one day.
Greys Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Bones...
I am all about some Grey's Anatomy. I completely forgot about Survivor last night!
Well I will leave a note so you know I stopped in. But I don't watch TV. I just read blogs...lol
Love the new look :)
The Office was the one I was really looking forward to watching and it was great!
Greys Anatomy.. Brothers and Sisters Desp. Housewives, ect.. I usually have to record everything.. never have time to watch! lol
well obviously i'm a dwts fan. although their three night kick off was a bit much, even for a fan.
amazing race, survivor, the office
I forgot to say something to you.
I took your idea about finding friends on facebook like I said I would. I spent over an hour talking with my LONG LOST friend down in Houston. We traded all the contact info, and what has gone on in our life over the last 23 years. It was just like we had not missed a step, Thank you pales to the way I feel, but it will have to do.
man, the list is so long! Survior, Amazing Race, Grey's Anatomy, etc.. etc.. etc... My DVR is working over time lately!
I have quite a few of them:
Survivor, Biggest Loseer,
Dancing with the Stars,
Amazing Race.
Well, I'm less excited this year than most - not because I don't want to see the shows, but more that there are so many I want to see, and so little time...
Um, Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, all of the CSIs, Heroes, House, Cold Case, Without a Trace - and probably more that I can't think of right now. :)
Lost and The Office
90210, Survior, and The Amazing Race which starts this weekend!
Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy, Dirty Sexy Money, & Prison Break! Boy, I'm sure going to be busy! hee hee
Survivor Asia just started and I'm enjoying it so far.
I excited for the start of the new season of the show "Sonshine wears big boy underwear!" premier should be sometime around Thanksgiving (his 5th birthday) :-)
well......you KNOW I don't watch TV!
The Biggest Loser, Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives.
Lipstick Jungle. And maybe the new 90210.
Good quote!
Love your new banner and design!!
ER is my favorite this year. I have watched it since the first show, except for last year.
I watched the first one and looking forward to next week.
Since this is their last season I know they will be bringing back characters who have left the show. Should be fun to watch!
I'm hoping 24 comes back on. :)
I did not watch TV all summer and now I have a DVR full os shows I need to watch that include The office, Amazing Race, Biggest Loser and Brothers and Sisters!
I was excited for the start of "Heroes". I'm not sure if I'm still excited or not...
We LOVE Survivor. We too have seen every season! We do still watch Big Brother but I am getting a little tired of that. That's about all we watch other than NASCAR and the NFL.
Your comment on my blog made me laugh....about me being such a lion. It was no lie when I said I get a little irrational when it comes to my kids. Especially when it's something like just plain meanness. Jay is the more quiet cool headed one. He was helping Gage get up and making sure he was OK while I was yelling at those kids. I honestly just lose it every now and then. Not good I know. And I've tried to change myself but it's just how I am. If there was one thing about myself I could change.......
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