Dear Jake,
How can I put into words how I'm feeling? I won't be able to do so completely, but I'll tell you a little of what's been going through my head and what my heart's been feeling.
Pride! I am so, so proud of you. You have made it through thirteen years of going to school, working hard on everything that has been asked of you, and proven yourself to be a very smart person. You have excelled and persevered through the last four years of a rigorous curriculum.
But you haven't kept your nose in the books the whole time. I'm so glad that you are a well rounded person. You have a social life which includes friends and a girlfriend. You play sports. You're in a band. You do volunteer work. And you have a job. You are amazing!
Sadness! Yes, I am feeling sad. I am sad and nostalgic when I remember the last seventeen years. So many memories have flooded me over the past few days, from when you were a toddler to last week escorting your girlfriend to your last prom. There have been so many good memories and I will hold them in my heart forever.
I'm also sad to think that you will be moving out of this house and most likely not live here again except for extended visits. It's going to be so quiet and empty. I'll miss hearing how your day was and what you learned in one of your various classes. I'll miss our late night chats. And who am I going to nag? I think I will be sad for some time to come.
These are all natural feelings for a mother while watching her son graduate from high school, knowing that said son will be going off to college in a few months. They come from a basic foundation, and that would be love! One day you'll be a parent and know what it's like to love a child with such depth. It's fantastic and it's frightening.
For the last 20 years, you and your sister have been my number one priority. Every day was a blessing. To watch you grow up and into the young man you are has been a true gift. A gift I will always treasure. Even though a certain aspect of my mothering job is over, I will always be there for you. I will always be standing in your corner, cheering you on. And I am very much looking forward to watching you as you navigate your future, to see what amazing things you'll accomplish and the lives you'll touch.
Good luck, son. I know there are great things waiting for you. Enjoy this part of your journey. Laugh a lot and love much. Remember your faith and how much God loves you. And never forget that dad and I are always here for you.
I love you, Jake. Once again... congratulations!
WONDERFUL tribute to your fine, loved son. He looks so great and happy in that picture. Been thinking of you and praying for you!!
That was sweet.
Congratulations, Jake.
You brought me to tears!! Your an awesome mom! I have been through that 4 times and I still cry cause I know the bitter sweet feelings. Blessings on you my friend. . .
Congrats Jake!! Go Bless others:)
Ah yes, another milestone faced by a loving and caring mom.
Congratulations on the accomplishment Jake.
Diana, if you ever need a friend who know the ins and outs of kids growing up and moving out just drop a note :)
Congratulations Jake!
Congratulations Diana - you are right to be proud.
I can hardly see the screen to type through my tears. I just had visions of writing these words oh...15 or so years from now to Jack.
Your children are so blessed to have a mother who has loved them in the special ways that you have. I still remember the pictures of you watching his band play and how proud you were.
I want to be just that kind of Mom. You inspire me.
Congratulations Jake!! And Mom and Dad!! Your post brought tears to my eyes, and once again made me realize I need to take advantage of every moment. I'm sure you look back now and wonder where the last 20 years went. It sounds and looks like you spent every moment wisely!!
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