~~> On the 4th, after our family BBQ and Jake going off to work, the rest of us went to see WALL-E. What an interesting movie. It's not quite the way I thought it was going to be. There's very little dialog so it was slow at times. It's for this reason that I'm not sure little kids would enjoy it, although the characters were very cute. But the storyline was good and it made me think on a deeper level.
~~> After the movie, we hurried over to where a grand fireworks show would be performed. It's the biggest in the area and they were predicting 100,000 people would be in the area. This was our first time to this show but we had a pretty good idea of where we wanted to sit. So we went early, set up our chairs and blanket, and just hung out for nearly an hour. We were on a grassy area next to a large parking lot. There were a lot of people sharing the grass with us. About 20 minutes before the show was about to start, the unthinkable happened. [hehehe]
The sprinklers turned on. You should have seen the crowd scramble while grabbing all their belongings, including younger children. Luckily, we were sitting on the very edge of the grassy area and the sprinklers barely hit us. We only had to casually get up and move away. It was one of those cases where you shouldn't have seen it as humorous, but couldn't help but laugh =D
~~> I started a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle on Friday... and finished it Saturday.
~~> Our dog, Brody, has a cowlick on the top of his head. It makes it look like he has a mohawk. The problem is that it continues to grow and it looks... well, for a lack of better way to describe it - weird. I've always thought it needed to be trimmed but Jake, who is the official owner of said dog, has always been adamant that no hair will be cut.
Don gave Brody a bath yesterday and those flyaway hairs just looked ridiculous. After pleading for a whole day, Jake finally gave me permission to cut it. Oh, it looks so much better.
Before and after....
and what was cut off...
Fun update and thanks for the review on Wall E.! My hubby wanted to take the kids to it for their first movie ever but I convinced him to go to Kung Fu Panda. I think it was a better choice for their age group!
Hilarious about the sprinklers! I listened to the fireworks going off, didn't get to see them this year as Ladybug was in bed by 8pm.
Love the cowlick pictures! So funny to think of a dog having a cowlick.
BTW, LOVE the new look of your blog. It's rather refreshing!
We haven't seen WallE yet. The kids talked about wanting to go,
Megan and I saw Kung Fu Panda and enjoyed that.
I also like the new look on your blog.
that poor pup, it sticks up like that all the time. weird glad you cut it off
I LOVED this post. It just seemed so "diana" to me!
Oh, the sprinklers. LOL!! I would have been laughing right along with you.
WOW...you finished that puzzle quickly.
Jason just took Jack to see WALL-E. Jack loved it. (I'll prob. post about it.)
I've missed your blog. YES, our internet is FINALLY up and running. Whew!
I tried to leave a comment the other day, but Blogger was being weird...
Sounds like you had a great time! We are taking our kids to see Wall.E on the 19th with a group from the Autism Society :) I'm really looking forward to it...
And I love the cowlick...looks more like a mohawk!
I do appreciate the review on Wall E cause I thought of going to see it, but now I think I'll wait. I did see Kung Fu Panda and it was cute....my son liked it.
I did go see Get Smart and liked it. I haven't been going to the movies as much as I'd like due to vacation (yea, its a hard life) and such....and dang, movies have gotten so expensive here, you have to take out a second mortgage just to go. I'm looking more at renting Red Box DVDs more often - they are only 1.00 a night! That is more my speed.
That picture of your dog is hilarious. That did look funny, but what an adorable doggie!!!
"It was one of those cases where you shouldn't have seen it as humorous, but couldn't help but laugh."
Not laugh?! Are your kidding?! I'd have had a side ache from laughing so hard.
okay, was going to comment on the sprinklers... but now must discuss the dog... HOW FUNNY. I have never seen a dog with a cowlick!
you should keep the mowhawk!
he's a cutie.
love the blog!
Hahaha, what a darling dog!!
Loved the sprinklers turning on, I would have been quite amused at that myself :)
My niece saw Wall E and didn't really care for it either. I guess we'll be skipping that one.
Sounds like fun stuff. I would have laughed and laughed about the sprinklers. To me, that is true funny!!!
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