Monday, April 28, 2008

through my lens

I took a walk today,
and what did I see...

trees and flowers
blooming all around me!

...and it makes me happy


Melissa said...

Those flowers are BEAUTIFUL!! You take the best pictures! Love it :D

Mozi Esme said...

What gorgeous photos!

I'm gonna be in spring soon - I can't wait. Flying home tomorrow!

Momma Roar said...

That sounds so much like a book I read to the kids by Eric Carle - it made me smile...and the pictures - so beautiful! Its rainy here today, thanks for helping me feel the warmth from this post!!

Happy Monday!

Masked Rabbit said...

Loved these pics of spring!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

you are rubbing it in...right?

Just Mom said...



Liza on Maui said...

It made me happy seeing those! thanks for sharing those photos with us :)

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Absolutely beautiful shots! Wow! I can't wait for spring to come and STAY!

Jamey said...

Those pictures are very pretty!! Our flowers might be blooming here if they weren't covered by a foot of snow!! I'm glad to see someone is getting the nice weather! My hometown got 19 inches. We are further south and only got 3 and most of it melted right away. This is a crazy spring! It will make me appreciate summer more, right???

nancy said...

diana, you got some great shots. Sorry I haven't been by much. Lots of dental work has me not feeling very well. Give me a couple more days and I should be good.
Have you seen my new contest?