Monday, January 14, 2008

more of HIM

Welcome to More of HIM Monday

I started More of HIM because I found it wonderfully encouraging to read from other blogs how the writer was affected by a certain piece of scripture or how they see God working in their lives. I thought it would be nice to have a place where bloggers could submit a link to such posts in order for others to have the opportunity to also read them.

Whether you are a regular reader of mine or you're visiting for the first time, I would like to invite you to participate. You can do this with one of two (or both) themes; Scripture Speaks and/or HIM in my Life. The graphics for each can be found on my sidebar.

If you use the Scripture Speaks focus, write a post sharing a specific piece of scripture, how you feel God is speaking to you through it, and how you plan to apply it to your life.

Maybe it's not scripture that's speaking directly to you, but you do see God working in your life in some way. Whether it's His quiet whisper into your ear or His two by four hitting you up side the head... whether you're on a spiritual high, or low... share HIM in my Life and you'll find that not only will you be encouraged by your readers, but your words will encourage others as well.

So please join us here each Monday. Even if you don't write a post for More of Him, visit the participants who leave their link on Mr. Linky. Let's support each other in our spiritual journeys.


Scripture Speaks to me...

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is.
Psalm 39:4 NLT

I am part of a Moms In Touch prayer group. When we met last week, I shared with the group that I was looking for a piece of scripture that I can call my "2008 verse." That started a conversation where others shared verses that meant a lot to them.

The above verse was mentioned by a friend and she shared that she uses it as a reminder to live each and every day as if it's her last. At first, I thought that was kinda corny, or cliche'. But I've thought about that verse every day since.

How would I live my life if I knew this day would be my last? What would be important and what wouldn't? How would I treat people - my family? friends? total strangers? Are there relationships that should be mended? Are there things I've wanted to do but continue to put off?

I don't think I'll be using this as my "2008 verse," but it has had an impact on me and I hope it continues to do so. What I also find interesting is that not only did God use this piece of scripture to say something to me, but He used a friend to deliver it to me.


Unknown said...

I love Moms in Touch! I actually went to a group when I was single, and I prayed for my youth group kids. I need to find a group now that I'm a mommy!

Thanks for sharing, Diane! You are a blessing!

Short Stop said...

I think that's a great verse. SUCH a great reminder that each day is a gift...and that it passes so quickly. Our opportunity to use it for God's glory comes only once.

I'm SO glad you came back with More of Him Monday!! :)

nancy said...

I happened to stop by today. So glad I did. My post for today fits right in. This is a wonderful find for me. Thanks, Diana.

Barb said...

Glad it's back. Your verse is so powerful if put to use and lived out.

Lori said...

Great post. Great reminder.

Momma Roar said...

That is an awesome verse.

I too have been thinking about a verse for 2008. I've never done that before. I think I may have one selected - have you chosen one yet?

Mary@notbefore7 said...

So glad you are back with this. I'll link up on Monday - this will help me keep my goal of blogging about my reading.