Monday, April 20, 2009

we are columbine

Back on September 29, 2007, I wrote a post about a visit I made to the Columbine memorial. It is a special place; not just for me, but for many in this community.

Today marked the 10 year anniversary of the tragic day when two boys shot dead 12 students and one teacher, and wounded 23 others, before turning the guns on themselves. That day changed so many lives, as well as policies and procedures within schools across the country.

There were so many sad stories, but good has come from that day, too. I watched a news report today highlighting three survivors of Columbine who have gone on to be school teachers. Where? ... at Columbine High School. They explained that life has come full circle for them, wanting to offer their students now what wasn't thought of 10 years ago. That day obviously had a profound impact on them and I'm sure they are making a difference.

It also had an impact on me. Back in April of 2008 I answered reader posed questions, in which one was, "what inspired you to do youth ministry?" You can read my answer here, but I shared that it was partly from the tragedy of Columbine.

As this day rolls around each year, I do take time to reflect on that terrible event; to remember those who lost their lives, as well as to think about the rest of us, who have been impacted in varying degrees by a day that will forever be etched in our memories.

Out of the sadness and chaos of April 20, 1999 came the slogan, WE ARE COLUMBINE. I believe in those three simple words. It's not just for those of us who live here and experienced it because of our proximity. I believe school shootings affect us all in one way or another, or at least they should. We are ALL Columbine.


Just Mom said...

A very nicely written tribute to the survivors. The determination of the human spirit to seek good and seek God in such tragedies always amazes me.

I remember your post from 2007. (Wow, have we been blogging that long?) Your visit to the memorial made an impact on me, too. :-) Love your quote of the day.

Karen said...

It is heartwarming to hear about the good things that came out of Columbine. I enjoyed your post about how you were inspired to become involved in youth ministry. It touches close to home, as my daughter is in 6th grade and has lost interest in our youth program, too, at a time when I want her involved more than ever -- first year of middle school for her and all the social situations you're referring to. Last Sunday night, I went early to pick her up and stayed for a while. She seemed glad that I was there, and I started thinking that perhaps my involvement would be a good thing. Thanks for sharing your story!

GeckoGirl said...

I watched a news clip on T.V. the other night; it had five former students of Columbine who became teachers themselves and returned to teach at Columbine High. The courage it takes to face the uncertainty in our lives as we experience the good the bad and the terrible is amazing that we as humans reach out for the one true thing in life: simply put our faith in the Good Lord. What a beautiful post, I came here via the black box....Hello from Oregon.

kel said...

I cannot believe it's been 10 years. Such a frightening day.. it changed our country, the world really. I am glad that you were able to take something good from it.

MightyMom said...

10 years, wow. I always think about the parents of those two boys. The boys chose the easy way out of the mess they made, but their parents will live the rest of their lives with that sorrow....