Monday, November 23, 2009

90 years

Imagine the years you've lived. The things that have happened in the world... presidents come and go, 9-11, wars. Technological advances... the computer, the cell phone, the Ipod. How about emotional experiences you've endured or celebrated... first love, marriage(s), anniversaries, deaths, children - and their lives.

If you think back on your life, there's a lot to reflect upon. A lot of memories. A lot of heartaches and a lot of triumphs. And how old are you? Are you in your 20s? 30s? 40? 50s? 60? 70? 80s? No matter how old you are, a lifetime is a lot to reflect upon.

Imagine if you were 90, or older. That's how old my grandmother turned this weekend. We celebrated those 90 years yesterday with a big party where family and friends, old and new, were there. I tried to imagine what 90 years would feel like stored in my memory box. I really can't. I only have 50 years of memories and 40 years added to that is out of my grasp at the moment.

90 years old! To me, that's amazing. And my grandmother seems the same today as she did 40 years ago. Yes, her body seems to have shrunk a little, she looks a little more frail and her hearing has diminished, but she still has her mind and other capabilities. She walks a little slower with a cane or walker, but she still walks. She's able to take care of herself (and does) and she still has her sense of humor.

She has one daughter, three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren who love her very much. She loves us very much and that has been the example passed down to us. She is a God-fearing woman who has passed her faith down to us. She was a working woman who passed on a good work ethic and what it means to be responsible. She has a legacy that not only has been passed down three generations, but will beyond that.

Happy Birthday (again) Grandma. I love you and thank you for who you are and what you have passed on to me. I look forward to birthday #100 =)

30 days of WORDS TO LIVE BY

"So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness."
1 Peter 2:1-3 New Living Translation


Melissa said...

I'm so glad you were able to be there to celebrate with her! She sounds like a wonderful person!
Happy Birthday!! :)

Jamey said...

How fun for you to get to celebrate with your grandma! All my grandparents are gone and that's hard some days.

Momma Roar said...

What a wonderful milestone to celebrate with someone, especially a grandmother!! My maternal grandmother is the last living and I believe she's in her 80s. But, her mind isn't what it used to be and it is very hard for my mom.

Your grandmother has handed you a wonderful legacy! Beautiful!

Karen said...

What a wonderful celebration for all of you! I can't imagine looking back at 90 years of life. It sounds like your grandmother's was full with a lot to celebrate.

MightyMom said...

well, tripling my 34 years is more than my mind can handle.....but there are few things I truly enjoy more than sitting with the elderly and listening to their stories. what a blessing that she does still have her mind and memory in tact. absorb all that you can while she's here. I miss my Grandma every day....and have for the last 19 years.