Sunday, November 1, 2009

november 1.... through 30

Call me crazy, but I've decided to once again join many other bloggers in posting every day in the month of November. I joined NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) last year and was successful in posting each and every day for that month. I also met a few new friends and have a couple of regular readers through the NaBloPoMo site.

Last year, I not only posted regular posts during the month, but gave myself the goal of sharing each day something I felt was a blessing in my life. This year I wanted to do something similar. After thinking through some ideas, I've decided to share, each day, my favorite Bible verse(s).

I'll start with my favorite verse...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

I memorized this verse as a young adult and have kept it tucked away in my heart ever since. There have been so many times that I have called on these words to get me through a situation. It's not always easy for me to put my total trust in God and far too easy to follow my own reasoning. But God knows what is best for me and wants to lead me down paths that will benefit and bless me. He wants the same for you.

30 days of WORDS TO LIVE BY


Karen said...

I'm going to be crazy right along with you and take up this challenge, too! I've been tossing it around in my head for a couple days and seeing that you're doing it made my decision:) I'll be in good company!

I like your idea of adding your favorite verses to each day. I'll look forward to reading those.

Melissa said...

Rats! I had thought about doing it... but now I've missed a day... maybe I'll do a partial month ;)
I love that scripture. It gives me HOPE!!

Jamey said...

What a great idea, I'll look forward to each post!!

Just Mom said...

"Call me crazy..."

You're crazy. ;-D

Looking forward to reading your daily verses.

Christine said...

This verse has carried me through a lot. There are times when a person has NO understanding because all things are not understandable and in this life all questions are not even answerable.

mom said...

Interesting - that has been one my favorites too. It is marked in each of the Bibles I use.

It is so easy and too natural to do things my way and not leaning on God as my highest priority.

"Be still and know that I am God" Isaiah 46:10 helps me focus on God, especially when life is hectic. I often use it as a "breath prayer." I say "Be still slowly as I breathe in "and know that I am God as I exhale.

Unknown said...

Good luck on NaBloPoMo! I'm attempting it as well this year :) I like your sharing concept, too.