So when he walked out of the sandwich shop this morning, right in front of me, I knew exactly who he was. He and his little boy walked down the walk as if they weren't anybody special. Maybe that's one of the reasons I've always admired him. He's a humble family man who just happened to be a great football player, helping the Broncos get to and win the Superbowl two years in a row.
This isn't the first time my path has crossed that of Eddie Mac. While he was still a player, my kids and I watched him work out in a pool at a local rec. center as the kids swam in the same pool. I had the same afterthoughts then as I do today...
Why didn't I say something to him? What would I have said to him? "Hello Mr. McCaffrey?" "Hi Eddie?" Those sound so.... stupid. Maybe I should have said something like, "You were my favorite, Eddie," or "The Broncos sure could have used you this year, Eddie." No, those sound pretty lame, too.
It's probably best that I didn't say anything at all, which makes me wonder what Eddie would want. Would he want to be left alone to go about his business? Or would he want someone to recognize him and tell him they miss him and his talents on the gridiron? Would there have been anything I could have said that told him I was an appreciative fan that still remembers him without sounding like a Bronco fanatic, stumbling over my own words?
I'll continue to think on that... so that the next time I cross his path, I'll have something witty to say instead of just staring after him and wishing I had said something.
Like - what DO you say to famous person!!!
When you find out, let us know.
I might have been tongue-tie too, always wondering the same as you afterward. But we had an interesting thing happen last night where I'm glad we spoke up. My husband and I went out to dinner and upon walking into the restaurant we stood behind a Marine in uniform with his wife/companion beside him. Being a little naive, I whispered to my husband "what branch of service is he from?" And my husband said, whispered "the Marines." Then my husband startled me by strongly saying outload "Marine!" right behind this couple. As the man turned to us, my husband extended his hand, and as they shook hands my husband said, "Thank You!" Then I was pleased to shake the Marine's hand too and say "Thank You!" as the couple was then ushered to their table. I'm sure we, both couples. had a warm, filled dinner last night!
Now we have talked about this before have we not?...
Next time you see him, just thank him for being who he is, tell him you loved to watch him play and your proud of who he is today.
How about a simple, "Good morning"?
Actually, I'd probably be tongue tied too.
I wouldn't be able to say anything either!!
Very cool though!
a smile and a "Hi! how are you?" would probably do for starters right??
cool that you've seen him. :-)
GOOD JOB!! for your hubby!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I can't help you out here. My tongue would have been tied in knots. I am afraid that if I would try to say something the poor person would think I was deranged and become frightened.
OH how cool! I hope you cross his path again and just get a moment to tell him how much you admire him as a player!
He was one of my favorites too. For the same reasons you named. How cool that you seem to "run into him" like that!! He's such a nice guy he probably wouldn't mind if you said hi and told him you thought he was a great player! He would be appreciative. Very cool!!
I watched a interview recently with a famous celebrity. He mentioned that although celebrities get hundreds of well-wishers and most of their words are quickly forgotten, there is always one or two a week that leave an impression. Why? It was just the right time where an encouraging word was needed. It’s nice to know that even a lip-tripping fan can be a messenger of encouragement.
Oh wow, what a thrill! Maybe next time just smile and wink like the two of you share a secret.
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