Friday, December 4, 2009

single minded


This week's Aloha Friday question is...

What do you most enjoy or miss about being single?

This past week, Don was up in Winnipeg on business and I was home alone for the week. Don't get me wrong; I love Don, love being married, love having a partner in life, and love having his company each and every day, but I enjoyed spending the week being single. I enjoyed it knowing it was for a short time and that it would end quickly and life would be back to normal within days.

I think what I enjoyed most is just knowing I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. It doesn't make sense because I can pretty well do that already. Maybe it was just because I haven't been single in an awful long time for this amount of time. There was a freedom that I hadn't felt or thought about for over 30 years.

BUT... as much as I liked the freedom, I felt a little lonely and missed the human contact that I'm used to living with. I felt like something was missing all week, and there was something missing... my other half.

I'm glad to have him come home today.


Mommy, I'm Home said...

Tough question since I enjoy my husband so much... I'm guessing it's the freedom to do what I want when I want, but really even that wouldn't be fun without my spouse.

Karen said...

I know what you mean. We love them, but it's so nice to just have time to . . . just be. I get it for 1/2 week during Thanksgiving. And I decorate the house in my own free time. If I want to stay up until 2 I know I'm not disturbing him. If I get up at 4AM, I know I'm not disturbing him.
Hugs. Karen

Karen said...

I can't imagine being single again, but that doesn't mean there aren't things I miss. I, too, miss the solitude of having the house all to myself. When the kids were little, my husband would take them camping for a few days and I would stay home -- I would clean the house like mad the first day, then just enjoy it the rest of the time! Silly, but it rejuvenated me.

Twincerely,Olga said...

I miss being able to do whatever i want !!ssssshhhhhh!

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Is this a trick question? lol

I miss the freedom of not having to consult someone else all the time.

Christine said...

Give him a big hug! Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Unknown said...

I loved this.

I rarely, if ever, have a moment without children and/or partner so I really do miss the solitude of being completely alone sometimes. I think Colin realizes this though, because this morning he took the girls out to breakfast giving me about 3 hours of alone time. Just being able to do nothing in peace is rejuvenating and so, so good for the soul.

MightyMom said...

when I'm home and up at night I really enjoy having no one to answer to. No expectations or questions or requests...only what I place on myself....but I get lonely fast!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

I don't miss anything!! Of course, I've been married for 32 years ~ LOL!!! I've always been independent,and through the years I learned how to keep my individuality right along side being a partner in a wonderful marriage!!!